The possibilities of AI with:

Per Damgaard Husted, Founder of Cognifirm

Now here’s a guy with an intriguing story…

From wanting to become a priest, to wanting to sell furniture, to writing a book about AI and its prospects, there you have Per Damgaard Husted. CEO of Canecto and Founder of Cognifirm.

We’ve heard about AI for a while now, but it wasn’t until this interview that I realized we have barely scratched the surface of the conversation as it pertains to business + the impacts AI will have.

Per’s perspective on almost everything is different from your typical human.

Take for example, Per’s perspective on teenage gaming habits: While most parents fear that their kids play too much Call of Duty, Per’s perspective for his own sons is:

“When they play, they play war games, but they don't play to kill each other. They do this to build their understanding of morale and ethics… and their understanding of good and evil as they interact with each other and other players.” ~ Per Damgaard Husted.

In other words, Per believes that the digital world of gaming is not something teens need to “get away from” or that is “just entertainment.” Instead, he recognizes that the DIGITAL world (and a Native Digital’s primary life experience) is a wholesome, robust way to learn communication, social ethics, and values.

While this method of education is different from other generations, it is far from a bad thing.

Interesting, right?

Per on Teenagers’ Isolation and Addiction to Games.

“Everything is about balance.” ~ Per Damgaard Husted.

He describes Artificial Intelligence as a structured way of working with knowledge. Per also uses the IBM and McDonald’s call center to illustrate how an AI can be integrated into the system by giving one task at a time.

Per on Humanity’s Fear of Extinction at The Hands of AI.

When it comes to AI in business, much of humanity has a fear: AI will take over and humans will be overshadowed, irrelevant, or worse.

Per’s perspective is different.

Curiosity and willingness to learn new skills to learn about unique positions will go a long way.

“So, you would have a situation where some of the tasks that are necessary to be performed are performed by humans and some with AI, but they would work together in a collaborative partnership. It takes people who understand how to use the technology in a non-offensive way or who’s open to see what it can bring.” ~ Per Damgaard Husted.

Per suggests that people should be willing to work with AI as a colleague. Guess what this means? A VERY necessary skill of the future (think 20-30 years from now) will be the capability to “manage” AI. Interesting, right?

And as for dealing with the impact, it is going to have on jobs; he reminds us that we as humans may have to redefine our purpose and search for things other than jobs that fulfill us because AI will make the world 10X richer than it is today.

Join us as Per discusses more on the Future of AI and its impact on humanity. And let this interview expand your mind and thinking on an often, scary subject.

About Per:

Per Damgaard Husted, CEO of Canecto.

Per is an international keynote speaker, author, entrepreneur, and COO of the Danish tech company, Cognifirm.

He has more than 15 years of IT Management experience from the telco and finance industries.

Per founded the Copenhagen based AI start-up Canecto in 2017. The tech in Canecto uses more than 20 different AI applications.

He holds a patent on an AI infrastructure design that is used by Cognifirm.

LinkedIn Profile: Per Damgaard

Twitter: Per Damgaard

His book ‘AI for CEOS: Know how to make your business succeed in the Age of AI’ can be found on Amazon and Goodreads

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