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Want additional resources? We’ve got you. Here are tools to help you Attract, Recruit, Retain, and Engage Gen Z successfully.

  • Attract

    Have you thought about mentorship as a recruiting strategy? It’s one of the most important ways to reach Gen Z. Check our Make a RPL to see if you could partner to reach Gen Z talent.

    Hiring a #CareerInfluencer could be your next smartest move in attracting top talent. Check out this video on how to do so.

  • Recruit

    Have you seen Yello’s recent study on how Gen Z finds jobs? Don’t miss it. Some highlights include: Only 32% of Gen Z is looking on social media. (What?!)

    Follow Jonathan Javier to understand how the next generation is applying for jobs. Hint: the smart ones you want aren’t clicking the “apply” button.

  • Retain

    In A Leader’s Guide to Unlocking Gen Z, learn the process for building compensation packages and policies for Gen Z.

    Check out Gen Z Talks for weekly interviews between Gen Z and leaders from other generations. You’ll quickly discover what Gen Z’s looking for from the workplace.

  • Engage

    Follow Sophie Beren on LinkedIn to hear what drives Gen Z and how we think about the world.

    Check out why creating psychological safety is so important for Gen Z.

    Particularly with the topic of Engagement, check out A Leader’s Guide to Unlocking Gen Z for specific exercises that will help managers speak Gen Z’s language.

Order The Book!

A Leader’s Guide to Unlocking Gen Z

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